
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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Do light bulbs affect your air conditioning?

Conventional incandescent lighting may actually make your AC work just a little harder.

Only 10% of the energy used by these light bulbs produces light - the other 90% becomes heat. The last thing you need in the middle of summer is something making more heat in your home.

The average Florida home owner could save up to $70.00 per year by using Compact Florescent Bulbs. It is estimated that almost $40.00 of this is from the AC having to run more. Not a huge expense but it does add up over the years.

Starting in 2012 a law goes into effect that sets new standards for general service light bulbs.

The main purpose of this law is to reduce our energy consumption and our dependence on foreign energy sources.

Compact Florescent bulbs are a little more expensive, but in the long run you'll save money and they last 10x longer. It may just be a good idea to start changing them out now...

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Air conditioning and the environment
Air conditioning energy saving tips.

Comments 1

Guest - HVAC Web Design (website) on Friday, 08 February 2019 04:46

Yeah!Great info Thank you

Yeah!Great info Thank you
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